Natalie Grima

Natalie was awarded a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) majoring in Biochemistry and Immunology from The University of Sydney in 2016. In 2017, she completed her Honours year under the supervision of Prof Jennifer Byrne in the Children's Cancer Research Unit at Westmead Kids Research Institute. She stayed on as a Research Assistant within the unit working on "Seek & Blastn", a tool developed to fact-check nucleotide sequence reagents in biomedical research publications. In March 2018, Natalie joined the Macquarie University Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research, working as a Research Assistant for The Genetics and Genomics Team led by Prof Ian Blair. In April 2021, Natalie commenced her PhD studies investigating novel genomic and transcriptomic features of sporadic MND.

Forefront Group: Macquarie University Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research


Prof Ian Blair, Dr Kelly Williams


  • Genetics
  • Cell biology
  • Neuropathology

Neurodegeneration of interest:


Specific Skills:

Molecular biologist