Grace Wei

Grace is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, Brain and Mind Centre. Grace completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Neuroscience (Honours Class 1) in 2018 at the University of New South Wales. Since then, she has been involved in several projects as a research assistant with the FRONTIER group, investigating the neural mechanisms of social and behavioural disturbances in dementia syndromes, and financial capability in ageing and dementia.

Her current research focuses on social cognition and behaviour, with an aim to develop interventions to improve the quality of life of individuals living with dementia and their families.

Forefront Group: FRONTIER Research Group


A/Prof Fiona Kumfor, Prof Olivier Piguet, Prof Kirrie Ballard


  • Social cognition
  • Behavioural interventions

Affiliate Organisations:

Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney School of Psychology, The University of Sydney

Neurodegeneration of interest:


Neurorehabilitation and Interventions for Social Cognition in Frontotemporal Dementia (2020-2023)

Disease area:

FTD, AD, Dementia

Research Project Description

Social cognition refers to the mental processes that guide the interpretation of social information and successful navigation of social interactions. These processes are fundamental to the way in which we perceive and interact with the world around us. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is an umbrella term encompassing three neurodegenerative syndromes that affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain.

Of relevance here, impairments in social cognition have been reported across each of these syndromes. Social cognitive impairments are critical predictors of quality of life and functional outcomes and are particularly challenging for carers. To date, few targeted interventions for social cognition have been evaluated in FTD, missing crucial opportunities for improved immediate outcomes for those currently living with these syndromes. This research aims to identify rehabilitation targets and develop effective interventions to improve social cognition in FTD. Appropriate post-diagnostic support can change the trajectory of the carer experience and importantly, help those living with FTD to live well and lead full and engaged lives.