Andrew McCorkindale

Andrew is originally from Dunedin, New Zealand where he undertook his undergraduate degree in Neuroscience. Following that he did his honours year here in Sydney supervised by A/Prof Greg Sutherland in the Neuropathology group investigating the effects of smoking on neurodegeneration before beginning his PhD. He is enrolled part-time and is hoping to finish up at the end of 2021.



Dr Boris Guennewig, Associate Professor Greg Sutherland


  • Transcriptomics
  • Genetics
  • Machine learning

Neurodegeneration of interest:

AD, FTD, Dementia

Affiliate Organisations

The University of Sydney

Specific Skills:

  • Bioinformatics
  • RNA-seq analysis
  • Machine learning
  • HPC

Project - Machine learning in Alzheimer’s disease

Project tag with a disease

AD, Dementia

Research Project Abstract

We are applying bioinformatic methods such as machine learning to better understand Alzheimer’s disease using public multi-omics data. Alzheimer’s disease has been extensively studied yet we still do not understand the mechanisms and there are no effective treatments. Through applying machine learning methods, we are trying to identify new factors that could be important to the development of Alzheimer’s pathology as well as cognitive impairment. Our machine learning has so far identified lactoferrin as a key gene in Alzheimer’s disease that is predictive of amyloid burden (under review) as well as genes predictive of cognitive decline